Come take a look at Jaleta's writing process today in her blog tour stop here :)
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Peeking Inside My Writing Process or Where Do My Ideas Come From?
Peeking inside my writing process is like stirring around in a algae-choked pond. You never know what's down there that might surface. In Dark Dancer, the Summerlands are ruled by the Seligh Lords, each Archon controlling his own demesne. Let me explain where this came from and what it means.
Somewhere down in the recesses of my brain, in the very deep dark dungeons, is a place where thoughts and random things are stored. They kind of ooze and jiggle and merge and do all sorts of things in that dark space that I really don't want to know about. I let my subconscious play with them because I know, eventually, something shiny and bright and new is going to float to the top. In this sludge, my teenage devouring of all things Shakespeare was having a party with all the fairy-tales and folk stories I've also read over the years. I was the devourer when it came to those kinds of books. I still read them. Add in a good dose of historical trivia, some archaic words that no one uses anymore, and a fascination with mechanical things and weird architecture, and you have the setting for my version of fairyland.
The fairy world is split into three general areas. The Summerlands are where the Seligh Lords rule. This is the more typical fairyland setting, closer to Titania's court than Tinkerbell's. I even have a character based off Queen Titania who lives in a magical forest glade and revels with her forest subjects - dryads, satyrs, fauns, and the like. The other Seligh Lords have taken the magic of their land and bound it to themselves. The ruler of each demesne, an archaic form of domain that is pronounced pretty much the same way but is way cooler to write, is called an Archon. I stole that from the ancient Greek city-states. Their rulers were called Archons. The Archons use their power to bind anyone with any kind of magical gift to their demesne. That pool of power is used to create steampunk technology. So they have machines, but the power source for them is not fossil fuels or solar energy or mechanical energy, but rather magical crystals that can store the Archon's power.
And yes, they have ships that fly. Because I fell in love with the idea of fairy elves flying around in wooden sailing ships. One of them is a renegade, a pirate based off Errol Flynn's Sinbad character. Because I've always had a thing for Sinbad.
I hope you enjoyed this romp through my subconscious. It can sometimes be a very scary place, but for this story, it's all about adventure and romance. And flying ships powered by magic crystals and crewed by elves, not the tree-dwelling cookie bakers or the winged fairy kind, but more like Tolkein's elves. Sort of.
You can find a complete list of all my work at http://www.jaletac.com
Dark Dancer -
A strange prophecy haunts the Seligh lords, rulers of the Fey and controllers of all magic in the Summerlands, a prophecy that foretells their fall. At its heart, is a young human woman with no memory of her power or potential to destroy their world.
Available in ebook and print.
Smashwords (all ebook formats)- https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/465920
Kindle- http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Dancer-Jaleta-Clegg-ebook/dp/B00MRANX5A